Welcome to Edao International Trading
We specialize in exporting high quality Ethiopian seed products to the world! This includes Ethiopian Highland coffee, pulses and oil-seeds.
Edao International Trading was the first Ethiopian ISO-22000-2005 Certified and HACCP Certified (FSMS – Codex Alimentarius) exporter, and recently upgraded to ISO-22000-2018 standard!
Our company is fully ready to export to the European Union. If you are a buyer from Germany or elsewhere within the E.U, please see our IPD Certificate Award certifying that we are ready to export to the European Union. For the convenience of our customers, we also offer bulk products packaged in 1 ton tote bags (1000 KG). Our global exports have been steadily expanding over the years and we have proven that we are a sustainable, dependable supplier. We maintain a reliable stock of high quality, well cleaned ready to export products for our valued customers.

Excellent Exports and Vital Imports
We produce top quality coffee and pulses, and are supplied by contract farmers and by independent farmers. The quality of our commodities has garnered a great deal of praise. Prominent Ethiopians such as leaders from the Ethiopian Central Bank and Ministry of Finance, as well as the Ethiopian Prime Minister have visited us to see how we operate.
We also have a vibrant import division. One of or main imports is machinery parts especially tires for light and heavy duty vehicles. We also import various construction and manufacturing materials, as well as agricultural products which are not produced in Ethiopia, such as Basmati Rice. Our imports help support the Ethiopian transportation and construction sectors. Both sectors are vital to our farmers and other producers and manufacturers.
Please see our products page for learn more about what we offer.
Contact Us for more information about us.